The main figures take up almost entirely the whole piece and their whole bodies are shown. Menkaure and His Queen is a three-dimensional image due to the fact that it is a sculpture and not a flat painting and makes the people seem as though they are realistic. The texture of the of the sculpture has a very smooth and polished. The faces of the figures and most of Menkaure is polished, but it appears that not all of the queen’s body has been polished indicating that this work may not have been
The main figures take up almost entirely the whole piece and their whole bodies are shown. Menkaure and His Queen is a three-dimensional image due to the fact that it is a sculpture and not a flat painting and makes the people seem as though they are realistic. The texture of the of the sculpture has a very smooth and polished. The faces of the figures and most of Menkaure is polished, but it appears that not all of the queen’s body has been polished indicating that this work may not have been