(Conditional Cash Transfer in the Philippines)
Pantawid Program started in 2008 is one of the responses of the Philippine Government to the challenge of meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The program works to attain 5 out of the 8 MDGs namely: Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women Goal 4: Reduce child mortality Goal 5: Improve maternal health
This version of the government of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) was patterned after the successful poverty reduction and social development measures of some Latin and Caribbean countries:
|Country |Name of Program |Year Started |
|Brazil |Bolsa Familia |1995 |
|Mexico |Progresa/Oportunidades |1997 |
|Colombia |Familias en Accion |2000 |
|Honduras |Programa de Asignacion Familiar |2000 |
|Nicaragua |Red de Protection Social |2000 |
|Jamaica |Program for Advancement through Health and Education |2001 |
|Chile |Chile Solidario |2002 |
Poverty in the Philippines affects 27.9 million