2011 AP Released Argument Essay. H.L. Mencken once said “The average man doesn’t want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.” The U.S had come in contact with many situations that have tested their power that has affected us also. I believe with Mencken, that safety is much more necessary than having freedom with the kind of society we are in now. The U.S. has fought to provide better standers for everyone that benefits them also. Without safety, how would we go by everyday thinking that something bad would happen to them? That what if someone would do them harm or they get fired from work? Then what…. What would freedom do them there? It wouldn’t do anything, you would be dead, or living in the streets because no one is guaranteed their safety at work. But there are times, when safety becomes an issue in some cases.
Many people praise the idea that the U.S. is “the land of the free.” The U.S. has opened up her land for people all around the world, creating job opportunity in the past and helping build better life. But when they finally experience the “land of the free” they realize it’s not what they were expecting. They realized that they are now struggling to get by, which changed everything, where there are limited job opportunities and pay is horrible. When it comes to jobs, many people don’t have the best of luck. There are those who work in small little cubicles, having to deal with “insane” or “bipolar” boss but know that the pay is good, which provides for the family and they have a good spot staying in their department. But when it comes to that, they’re not available to spend quality time with their family because they have their head stuck on a computer. This man obviously knows that the amount of time he spends at working showing that he is great at what he does; the better he has a secure spot with the company. Compared to those that would rather quit, taking their family and money and assumes that he can gain a fortune in Vegas or