When one grows up in America, they are often told that they are free, but is this actually true? Not necessarily. It is true that America offers more choice and opportunities than some other countries, but the American people have begun to stretch out what freedom really is. With each passing year, the American dream that so many people have sought after, becomes more and more elusive due to money being the only way to get it. Not to mention laws, even good ones, cannot be in place for true freedom to take place. America, land of the “free”, is not truly free. The American Dream has been a concept in America’s culture since its founding. This vision has changed slightly over the years, but the basic idea of owning a home, maintaining a …show more content…
This is not entirely true, however, as we have a “representative democracy”, which means we must vote for people we think will vote on what we want. The choices we have as Americans that some other countries do not are: where we want to work, where we want to live, what you want to believe in, and which guy to vote for. Benjamin Franklin once said: “A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.” This means that the minority group gets left out, and will not get what they want. This shows we aren’t equal, and thus some people are less free. In short, one cannot accurately consider America as “free”. The American Dream has become based purely on money, which is hard to obtain because of the growing poverty and rising taxes. Our government, despite being democratic, does not have the freedom of equality it claims to have, and their laws, no matter how much more safe they may make the country, always restrict the intentions of numerous people. The truth is, complete freedom is equivalent to anarchy. With that said, is complete freedom actually a good