Cervical Cancer arises from the cervix while the Papilloma Virus infects the …show more content…
It is not known which individual has the virus. There are individuals with weak immune systems and they are not able to fight the Papilloma Virus and also likely to develop health problems.
Since HPV includes cancer in the cervix also occurs in the back of the throat therefore HPV can also cause cancer. This also includes the base of the tongue.HPV is very hard to treat thus the symptoms are very serious if it occurs on the individual.
Furthermore, it is important for women to go screening for Cervical Cancer. They can therefore find out if they have any signs of the disease so it can be treated before it becomes critical or before the virus becomes cancer.
It’s very significant for males and females to take HPV vaccination.
To summarize Cervical Cancer is caused by a virus called Human Papilloma Virus.The virus causes changes in the cervix thus cervical cancer screening programs should continue for the virus not to spread to all body parts resulting to Cervical