The Human Papillomavirus also known as HPV infects 75-80% of sexually-active adults before they turn 50. HPV can have terrible side effects like genital wards, but it also leads to cancer. You may think the chance of your child getting this is very slim, but in Australia every year 21,300 females are diagnosed with cancer caused by HPV. HPV is most common in woman aged 20-24. The Australian government if offering all school girls aged 12-13 the opportunity to receive a series of vaccinations. This Vaccination is called Gardasil and will help prevent the girls from getting HPV and cervical cancer. The girls are preferably vaccinated younger as Gardasil is most affective before any sexual contact. Over the last four years the government has spent $436 million dollars, and is expected to spend another 50million in a catch up program to vaccinate all girls aged 13-26. Although some people disagree with this vaccination, because they believe there are unknown risks. So should this Vaccination be compulsory or not? To make this assessment the disease and its vaccination needs to be further explored.
The Human papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted infection. There are 40 types of HPV that can infect both males and females, causing infections in genitals, mouth and throat (STD, 2012). In most cases the person can be infected and not know. Which is why the government thinks it’s so important to be vaccinated as; people can infect another person without even knowing. The virus can be spread through any sort of sexual contact. Intercourse isn’t the only way to contract HPV, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Vaginal sexual intercourse, anal intercourse, oral sex or any contact with the genitals of someone infected with HPV is enough to contract the disease (Rodriguez, D 2011). The virus can also be contracted through open cuts or sores in the skin if contacted with someone sore who has the
Bibliography: Gunter, J 2011, How safe is the HPV vaccine? New data available., Worldpress, accessed 1 November 2012, Dr. Jen Gunter, use the study of Jay Gordon’s of how effective he believes the HPV vaccine really is. From this she evaluates his conclusions, to disprove him. As he suggests that the HPV vaccine is the cause of many deaths worldwide. Although this is proven wrong as the deaths were further examined and it was found in most cases that they were on a medication that causes blood clotting or had an illness. Another study was looked at by the Med US centre, and disproves Jay Gordon’s study. By combining 7 different studies and there results which showed there were no serious side effects and that the HPV vaccination was effective. HPV Vaccine: A Guide for Nurses 2012, Center for young women 's health, accessed 1 November 2012, The care centre for young women’s youth released a page for Nurses who are immunizing children and what they need to know. It discussed both vaccinations Gardasil and Cervarix (Cervarix is generally older people). It breaks downs how the nurses should inject the patient, and the different injections depending on the period of time they should use. It briefly goes over HPV its symptoms, risks, how it spreads and what it is. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) 2012, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , accessed 1 November 2012, The centres for disease control and prevention website is creating awareness of the HPV virus. It explains the different types of HPV and what they can cause and lead to. Also gives current information on preventing the virus and how it is contracted. Many facts and statistics are given. It has general information about HPV. Rodriguez , D 2011, How HPV is contracted, Live Strong, accessed 12 November 2012, Diane Rodriquez is discussing the different ways HPV can be contracted. She also suggests studies from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the Mayo clinic to prove her theories. This is why it is a creditable site. It goes into depth about how each different way is contracted. For example from mother to baby the Mayo clinic suggest that in labour a mother can pass on HPV to her child, The child is likely to then show symptoms in repertory tract.