
Parables Of A Christ's Parable

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Parables Of A Christ's Parable
One of Christ's parables might have some of us thinking that the outcome is unfair, but it holds valuable lessons about God's generosity and our need to stick to the course to the end. At the beginning of this parable, you notice that people are standing around waiting to be hired. Some get jobs right away, while others wait all day long. In this parable, the land owner comes and goes about three times, hiring them and telling them every time that they will be paid “whatever is right”. All these workers have agreed to this payment and they get straight to work. Some were there all day and others were only there for a mere couple of hours. With the day at an end the owner sends his steward out to pay the laborers. Those hired at the end of the day are paid first. Those who were hired at the beginning of the day were last in line to receive their payment. Every laborer, no matter how long they worked, received the same amount of money, which was one day’s wage, a denarius. This example defies modern labor practices. This is typically unheard of. But remember it is a parable, told to teach a very specific lesson. God’s ways and thoughts are not ours. We may think it is incredibly unfair that someone who works only a short couple of hours is paid the same as the …show more content…
What I mean by this is, is that they, the workers, had to power through to the end, remaining on the job until the day was done when the sun goes down. The work of planting, growing and harvesting in the hot sun is continual until the job is completely finished. Only then, in the vineyard of the Lord, is the wage paid. What we see from this parable is that we must be willing to enter the vineyard and work. We must make ourselves available for God (the landowner in this instance) to find us. We have to want to work. And we have to endure to the end of the workday, however long and tiresome that might be for each of

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