(A paragraph condensation) The argument between a sports lover, and an academic supporter.
1) Sports cause a lot of kids to be absent from their classes. 2) 2) His tally averages 22 hours per week. 3) 3) The janitors services are disrupted due to sports. 4) 4) Lost school time + Practice time = 42 days per semester. 5) 5) Dollar costs in custodial, secretarial and travel expenses are revealed. 6) 6) He expresses the wish of athletic cuts in favor of school. 7) 7) he traces the rise of athletics over academics in the last 50 years. 8) 8) Public schools can no longer afford to subsidize sports. 9) 9) he presents 4 arguments in favor of sports. 10) 10) #1 “No athletics = Attendance drop” good, get rid of the losers. 11) 11) #2 “athletics teaches responsibility & leadership” So do the rest of the subjects without the negatives of sports. 12) 12) #3 “Athletic scholarships” it is better to reward the brains. 13) 13) #4 “Community supports sports” only because it’s on the cheap, no direct cost. 14) 14) Make sports private enterprises. 15) 15) Lists positives for community if sports are made private. 16) 16) Let sports thrive or die on their own merit. 17) 17) Teachers will be hired to teach, not coach pupils. 18) 18) Academics & other causes, including PE, will flourish. 19) 19) It is wrong to compare sports & academics in popularity. 20) 20) Academics separated from sports will be able to do its job.