Use Paraphrasing Tool to paraphrase or rewrite full length essays and articles or to find new ways to express simple phrases, sentences or single words. Whether your goal is to remix textual content for a website, term paper, business document, email or tweet, Paraphrasing Tool will do the trick. Applications which stand to benefit from text rewriten by Paraphrasing Tool range from expanding blog and website footprint on the web with quality content to facilitating brainstorming for any essay or creative writing project.
Answer Math Question: nine + four =
Text Before:
Include Capitalized Words:
Text After:
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How Paraphrasing Tool Works
First, type or paste in the text you wish to reword. If you have already looked over your article and are satisfied with the level of spell and grammar checking that has been done, then enter the correct (numeric only) answer for the math bot challenge and click the 'Go!' button. Your rewritten content will appear below. Easy right?
Answers entered for the math challenge questions must be numeric only, so 0-9 (with the possibility of a negative '-' symbol if the answer is negative) -- not a-z, A-Z, or any other special character. For a positive number, just enter the number; do not include '+'.
To make your job even easier, you can also simply hit 'Enter' after you have entered your math challenge answer, assuming that the text you want to paraphrase / rewrite is already entered in the first text box.
If you already have a chunk of text (for example an essay, article or a single sentence) and you need to paraphrase this text, then Paraphrasing-Tool will most assuredly fulfill all of your needs.
No sign-up, sign-in or any personal information of any kind is required to use this amazing free tool. Also, instead of an annoying, difficult to read captcha, the bot challenge is a simple math question.