Parenting is one of the most difficult and challenging tasks especially in this present generation. Parents play a very important role in the upbringing of children. They are the first and earliest teachers for the children.
I myself as a parent must admit that my son behaves best when I attend to him the most. Though he's just three years old yet I find that his behaviour is far better when I spend quality and quantity time with him.
Parents have the capability of influencing and leading the child from the first day they are born until the age of 18 by being a role model. In other words, parents are the best teachers.
Parents teach how to speak, how to behave, the basic etiquettes etc. thus help the child to grow into a morally responsible and sound individual.
All the complications, challenges, barriers, obstacles a child encounters in her or his childhood can be overcome if it is correctly approached through their parents.
No matter how hard the professional teachers in school strive, to rectify or mould the child, the child’s best place for correction is at home i.e. with the parents. In spite of the fact that teachers play a vital role in child's life, it is equally important to note that parental leadership supersedes all.
The nature's bond, love and understanding between the child and the parent are so strong that the child can relate to the parents more effectively and they can lead the child to the correct path whenever he or she is wrong.
This is equally applicable in academics as well. A child with a parental support and teaching performs far better than a child without it. A child is easily motivated in class when the parents are regularly checking their books and attending to academics. On the other hand, a child without support even if intelligent might not perform so well.
Nevertheless, not all parents are best teachers. A parent controlling the child by beating him or her up or