Stephanie Everman (Student)
University of Oklahoma Regents
C-O David Boren, President of University of Oklahoma
The University of Oklahoma
Norman, Oklahoma
Oklahoma, 73019
April 7, 2013
Dear President Boren and University of Oklahoma Regents: Enclosed is a proposal that addresses our university’s minimum parking options for students who park in the parking garages and parking lots. My proposal portrays the major problem concerning the minimum of parking availability and provides a practical solution for the university. The enclosed proposal suggests a solution for the University of Oklahoma to build parking garages on top of parking lots and/or build more parking garages closer to the buildings on campus where there are classes for students. Currently, students are required to pay a total of $195 for a parking permit for a whole year to park in certain areas in the campus even though a parking spot is not guaranteed. This proposal would help students be able to have more options on where to park and not have to spend thirty minutes or more looking for a parking spot before class. The benefits of my plan include more available parking spots, fewer car accidents, better attendance in classes, better overall grades in classes, fewer sicknesses, and fewer fines to be paid for parking illegally. I hope that my proposal is received well and is considered thoroughly as a practical solution. Additional changes to the minimum of availability of parking places might help the campus be more desirable to students to attend, rather than being frustrated before even arriving to the university due to knowing there will be a good amount of time wasted searching for a parking spot to park in.
Contact me by email, at any convenience for you and thank you for looking over my proposal.
Stephanie Everman (Student)
Table of Contents
Cited: Fixr. “Building A Parking Garage Cost.” Fixr, 2013. Web. 7 Apr. 2013. <>. National Geographic. "How Does Car Pollution Affect the Environment & Ozone Layer?" National Geographic, n.d. Web. 7 Apr. 2013. < 20133.html>. The Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma. "Parking Spaces and Garages." University of Oklahoma, 13 Apr. 2011. Web. 7 Apr. 2013. <>. University of Oklahoma. "Norman Campus Enrollment Summary." University of Oklahoma, 22 Oct. 2012. Web. 7 Apr. 2013. <>.