Danilo G. Cabigao
Submitted to:
Chef Fabio Ugoletti
To protect the typicality of certain foodstuffs, the European Union has launched a specific legislation, establishing two levels of recognition: DOP and IGP.
The acronym DOP (Denomination of Protected Origin) extends the protection of the national mark DOC (Denomination of Controlled Origin ) in the whole of Europe and with international agreements GATT, although the rest of the world. The brand designate a product originating in a region and a country whose quality and characteristics are essentially or exclusively due to the geographical environment (which term includes the natural and human factors). The entire production, processing and preparation of the product must take place in the defined area.
The abbreviation PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) introduces a new qualitative level of protection taking into account the development of the industrial sector, giving more weight to the production techniques with respect to territorial restrictions. So the code identifies a product originating in a region and a country whose quality, reputation and characteristics can be attributed to the geographical origin, and at least one stage of production, processing and preparation take place in the defined area.
Both of these awards Community constitute a valid guarantee for the consumer, who knows so buying quality food, which must meet certain requirements and are manufactured in compliance with precise specifications. Also provide protection for the producers themselves against any imitations and unfair competition.
Products with Protected Designation of Origin - PDO
Prize was awarded to agricultural products and foodstuffs whose production phases, are carried out in a defined geographical area and whose production process is conform to a specification. These characteristics are essentially or exclusively due to the geographical
Bibliography: www.certiquality.it/clop www.consumatori.it/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3909&Itemid=655 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Italian_products_with_protected_designation_of_origin http://www.google.it/search?q=DOP,+IGP,+STG+logo&tbo=u&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=WwYYUdjZGamO4gTUoYEI&ved=0CDIQsAQ&biw=982&bih=426