Provide an overview of 4 main public organizations in Ireland that oversee the safety, quality and industry of food produced in Ireland.
1) Bord Bia
Bord bia’s mission is to drive through market insight and, in partnership with industry, the commercial success of a world class Irish food, drink and horticulture industry.
Some background of Bord Bia:
On the first of december 1994 Bord Bia was established by an act of the Dáil. It brought together the Córas Beostoic agus Feola (the Irish Meat and Livestock Board) and An Bord Tráchtála (the Irish Trade Board) which is now part of Enterprise Ireland.
On the first of July 2004 the responsibility for the development of the horticultural industry in Ireland, which was with the former Bord Glas, was brought into Bord Bia.
Then on the first of June 2009 The responsibility for seafood promotion in domestic and international markets was taken from Bord Iascaigh Mhara and given to to Bord Bia.
The role of bord bia:
The role of Bord Bia is to act as a link between Irish food, drink, horticulture suppliers and existing and potential customers throughout the world. Their objective is to develop markets for Irish suppliers and to bring the taste and culture of Irish food to more tables around the world. Bord Bia works with the industry to promote Irish food, drink and amenity horticulture to develop markets for commercial advantage. Their aim is to increase the sales of Irish food, drink and amenity horticulture by developing long-term relationships between Irish companies and trade buyers. This is achieved through core services delivered to the customer, the trade buyer, and to Irish food and drink companies themselves.
Bord bia ensuring that the food produced in Ireland is of high safety and quality standards:
The Bord Bia Quality Mark: products with the Mark have been produced with the highest level of care and attention from the farm until they
References: Wikapedia (small facts such as dates) Living Today Home Economics Textbook Home Economics revise wise FSAI website Bord Bia website Safefood website Teagasc website