Your Partner’s Name: Begüm Şahin, Fahri Koray Sakarya
Date: 03.04.2013
Your Assistant Name: Nalan Bilgin Öncü
Submitted to: Prof. Dr. Melek Türker Saçan
The aim is to measure the dissolved or emulsified grease or oil amount in the water samples by utilizing from the partition-gravimetric method.
Oil and grease is an important parameter for water quality and safety. Regulatory bodies worldwide set limits in order to control the amount oil and grease entering thewater reservoirs or the sea through industrial discharges and also limit the amount present in drinking water.
The partition – gravimetric method involves extraction of dissolved or emulsified oiland grease from water by using an extracting solvent. The common solvents used aren-hexane, methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE), and trichlorotrifluoroethane.
Any filterable solvent-soluble substances (e.g., elemental sulfur, complex aromatic compounds, hydrocarbon derivatives of chlorine, sulfur, and nitrogen, and certain organic dyes) that are extracted and recovered are defined as oil and grease. No known solvent will dissolve selectively only oil and grease. Heavier residuals of petroleum may contain a significant portion of materials that are not solvent-extractable.Oil and grease has the natural tendency to float on the water surface under quiescent conditions, as the density of oil and grease is usually less than one. Not all the oil and grease is in liquid or solid form. Appreciable amounts remain in a finely divided emulsified form.
Procedure and Observations:
At first, nearly 1 L of sample is collected in a wide glass beaker and sample level in the beaker is marked for further measurement of sample volume. Then, the acidity is set to pH 2 by adding nearly 5 ml hydrochloric acid solution, and the sample is transferred into the separatory funnel. Sample
References:,10%20phenanthroline%20assay%20student.pdf Signature