012_1 Understand partnership working within the context of services for children and young people.
When people working with children and young people work together, it can be very positive for the children and young people concerned. The adults could be parents, carers, colleagues, professionals or multi-disciplinary teams. They need to communicate, exchange information, share their knowledge and experience and understand each other’s roles. whe
If you work well as a team in your setting then you will enjoy your work more and work more effectively meaning children will benefit. If this applies to everyone it can also have a positive impact on children’s health, development, learning and relationship building.
The EYFS make us very aware of the fact that if all appropriate agencies work together, it will improve the general outcome for children in the learning and development. Working in partnership also highlights the importance of creating effective relationships through your work and respecting the expertise of those around you.
Working in partnership gives children and young people the best possible start, ensures that everyone working together communicates necessarily about the child, means that specialist advice can be given when needed, provides support to the whole family and will encourage everyone supporting children and young people to think about the whole child.
Myself and my colleagues will generally use partnership working on a daily basis – we share information when needed, can seek advice from one another and know that if there is an issue or concern to speak with our supervisor where it can be dealt with in the right way. For example, our supervisor may feel they need to seek the support/advice of OFSTED or another appropriate agency depending on the situation. We will also use partnership working in the sense of communicating with parents (particularly our key worker children) – making each other aware of concerns,