My passion for nursing grew when I was a child, because my grandfather was a nurse. I appreciate the love and gratitude his clients exhibited as a sign of reward from them been cured from their ailment, after receiving their treatment from him. I also see the trust they have in him that they confide in him for everything regarding their health. When I reminisce about this, I feel overjoyed because I see this everyday at my…
I chose nursing as my profession because of my mother and other factors. My mother was an influence because early this year she was in the hospital for two weeks and during that period I only saw the doctor thrice. The nurses where the ones doing everything, so I felt they were the ones who nursed her back to health. The other deciding factors were: variety of places for jobs whether in the public, private, or community setting; the opportunity to learn new things since no day is ever the same; the opportunity to work with other health professionals; nurses will always be needed; nursing offers specialty areas, and the opportunity to be a traveling nursing.…
I chose nursing as my profession because nursing is an integral part of who I am. I have always known I wanted to be a nurse. To care for people in need with compassion and empathy. When I was young I would make makeshift hospitals and treat any animal could get my hands on. I have always been fascinated by anatomy and physiology, so far as to operate and dissect on worms when I was younger. When I accidentally found my way into perioperative nursing I felt that I had found my calling.…
As I did my research about being a nurse practitioner, I knew it was the right career for me. I learned that this career isn't easy, it comes with long days and sleepless nights. But it's the feeling you get knowing you helped another human being that makes me want to learn and focus on primary care to become a nurse practitioner. I want to improve the lives of those in need because nothing would make me…
2. I chose the Profession of Nursing because I always wanted to be in the medical field and it is a very gratifying career that allows you to make a difference in people's lives. In addition, it is a stable career that allows you to move ahead, such as becoming a nurse practitioner.…
There have been many occasions in my life that I have spent time in hospitals, nursing homes and by the side of a sick relative. When my grandfather was dying of cancer, he spent as much time as he could at home with his family by his side and when the time came, he was transferred to hospital, I was 14 at the time, still very young I knew it was not about how I was feeling, this pain was his and my grandmothers. I helped look after him for the two years he was diagnosed and it was during that time, I knew where my heart was and that was nursing. With my own experience of being in and out of hospital with two complicated pregnancies, I was in awe of the nurses and midwives who did everything they could to make me feel secure and safe, I was inspired and made an already certain career choice, even more evident.…
In conclusion, there are plenty of reasons why you should become a nurse. From being a job that has a great paycheck attached to actually having the opportunity of saving lives and treating the ones you care about, being a nurse definitely has a lot of perks. Just like any other job it does have its hard moments, but saving a person’s life and being able to make a difference in the life of your community is definitely a great privilege, something that only select few, including nurses, have the ability to…
From birth, various actions I took led me down the long and winding path to my current career as a Labor and Delivery nurse. I became a nurse because I love blood, saving lives and cheating death. I love working weekends and holidays for extra money. I love the mobility and respect that comes with being a nurse. I love all the overtime I could ever want!…
I believe a job in nursing is an honor profession offering the individual both security and the option to work almost anywhere in the world. A nursing career is a very rewarding personally in terms of helping those who need assistance and care, easing the suffering of others even to the point of assisting in saving a person’s life. Nurses can bring delight, and support to those who are in need. Every minute of life is like a gift and nobody learns this lesson better than the ones who deal with a dying patient day and night like nurses.…
I was always undecided regarding the career that I wanted to pursue. As I got older and looked at many choices in careers I realized that I wanted to have a career in the medical field. Being a nurse interests me because it requires the study of the human body along with other great opportunities that nurses have in this career. I want to become a nurse because I like being able to help those who are in need.…
Nursing is a career not just a job, nursing is treating people as a disease, but as a unique individual who has his/her own values, beliefs, needs, and also treat the family with respect, compassion, patience, and show that we care. I chose nursing because I have always liked helping people. Ever since I was a little girl I liked helping and I would tell my dad that if he was ever sick I would take care of him so he could get better. At first I wanted to be a doctor, a pediatrician to be exact, but I chose nursing because, nurses have more contact with patients and nursing school is shorter than medical school. I know I made the right choice because as I have been doing clinicals, I have been falling more and more in love with what nurses do, but throughout the process I have also seen what kind of nurse I do not want to be. During clinicals there was an agency nurse a patient did…
I chose nursing as my profession because nursing is my patients’ first line of defense against illnesses as well as processes put in place by my place of employment. I became a nurse because I felt that everyone matter and that sometimes the sick and afflicted need someone in their corner.…
Nursing is a second career for me. It is one I have approached gradually, over a long period of time. I might have chosen it as a first career if I had been a better student when I entered college, or had people in my life who were involved in healthcare careers when I was growing up. As it was, I had a longstanding interest in health and the human body, but nursing seemed very foreign, and the idea of touching strangers made me uncomfortable.…
My daddy served in the Navy during WWII. When the war was over he returned to states and was immediately hospitalized. He was so young and had experienced things he never wanted to think about again. However, he always complimented the nurses that took care of him. They helped heal his body, but more importantly they helped to heal his spirit and soul. I cannot count the times he said, “I want one of you girls to be a nurse,” and I knew it was going to be me.…
Finally, being a nurse is more than money to me: it is caring for the patients and being able to spend some one on one time with them to show them that I really care about their health. I am a big believer that dreams do come true. So in that case I never stop dreaming. I want to help people and having the privilege to serve others is something I want to do as lifetime career. Combining my love for helping people and my interest in the medical field is what I want to do.…