Armon Copeland
361: Information Systems
Summer Term 2011
The Internet literature provides patients and families with an opportunity they have never had
before. It allows patients to have access to incredibly affluent, reliable and up-to-date medical
information. Not too long ago this information could only be found in medical libraries and
Today, patient and families have access to this information in the comfort and privacy of their
own dwelling. It is the nurse responsibility to foster this thirst for information and help guide our
patients to find information that is reliable and reputable.
Patient Education
“There is a great deal of information directed at patients on the Web.
What is most important is finding information that is reliable and consistent with best practice
and standards of care.
For the purpose of discussion, the educational tools are separated into four types:
Handouts: These are self-contained documents that are complete unto themselves.
Good for handing to a patient in their room.
Hyper-linked documents: These are pages that are cross-linked with other resources that allow
the patient to explore and find more information that fits their personal needs and is best viewed
Decision support: These tools allow a person to obtain information about an important decision
and to assess how their own personal beliefs influence their decision.
Evaluative: Allow the patient to assess their own health risks and is generally interactive and
best done on-line for immediate feedback (Kleebreg 2000).”
How to use the Internet
Printing information handouts for patients who want to know more about their diagnosis.
Finding patient information sheets about a medication when grabbing a sample from the cabinet.
Direct the patient to the internet site or some other reliable web sites where
they can
References: Habel, M(2005). Getting the message across: The patient teaching part 3 Habel, M(2006). Getting the message across: The patient teaching part 4 Kleebreg, P (2000). Using the Internet as a Patient Education Tool