Medical errors in decision making that result in harm or death are tragic and costly to the families affected. There are also negative impacts to the medical providers and the associated institutions (Wu, 2000). Patient safety is a cornerstone of higher-quality health care and nurses serve as a communication link in all settings which is critical in surveillance and coordination to reduce adverse outcomes (Mitchell, 2008).…
Falls in the hospital are the major cause for the morbidity and the mortality in the elderly population. Falls among the elderly is increasigly being recognised and it is a major concern for the developed as well as the developing country. The purpose of this paper is to descibe the epidemiology of fall in the elderly in the hospital , incluidng the charateristics, circumstances and fall related related injuries. The focus of this program is to support the staff in identifying the system issues which gives rise to the error and the near miss situation. A quality improvement initiative was conducted to determine the effectiveness of a fall prevention program using education and a fall prevention kit…
Although brief, the article explains why patient safety is a key factor in health care. The article goes on to explain that patients can contribute to strengthening safety and delivery of high quality care.…
In this research paper I will discuss what Dr. DoRight, of Universal Human Care Hospital will do when he discovers that patients within the hospital have been dying as a result of a variety of illegal procedures by doctors and nurses and negligent supervision and oversight on their part. I will analyze the rights of employees to health and safety in the workplace. I will address the duty of loyalty, and conflicts of interest between internal and external stakeholders. I will also discuss the ethical duties to report illegal procedures, along with the deontology and utilitarianism principles. The Universal Human Care Hospital needs to decide how to handle the situation at the hospital.…
Safety is a major concern for patients who have fallen before and are at risk for falling again. There are many reasons someone could be at risk for falling. They may have an unsteady gait due to their health, medications that may be making them dizzy, and their environment could even be a major factor. In this paper I will talk about safety measures needed for a patient at risk for falls, ethical concerns that could impact care for the patient, and nursing interventions that could be implemented during care.…
Patient falls are one of the most frequently reported adverse events in the Emergency Department (ED), and can lead to serious injuries, such as head injuries or fractures, or can result in death. Falls can lead to an increased length of stay for the patient, increased utilization of resources, cost for the hospital and patient, chance of falling again, and chance of unplanned discharge to a rehabilitation facility or nursing home, as well as a poor quality of life. York Hospital considers all falls to be preventable, yet the number of falls in the…
Falls are one of the most common adverse events in health care institutions. Health care facilities are entitled to monitor patients and visitors who are in the risk of falls when entering their premises.…
I will examine public data on the healthcare organization regulations, procedures, and training programs of advocating a safe environment for patients. Also, I will review common incidents that have occurred and how they could have been prevented at the VA New Jersey Health Care System or Saint Michael's Medical Center with recommendations of Risk Management Strategies. In addition, I will review the Institute of Medicine Report on patient safety and medical errors and compare the data.…
The problem within the organization is patient falls and below average patient satisfaction scores. The area in which we reside and work has a growing amount of elderly people. According to “Statistics Related to Falls in United States” (2007), the leading cause of death related to injury is falls in individuals over the age of 65. “One out of three adults age 65 and older gets injured from falls every year” (“Speak Up: Reduce your risk of falling”, 2011).…
Human error in nursing is usually unavoidable, unpredictable and unintentional. Further, some risks include language barriers, neglecting to follow the policy, in a hurry to complete the task. As a supervisor, I encountered a nurse who gave a patient the wrong medications. The error occurred when the patient answered to the wrong name, and the nurse failed to check the patient’s identification bracelet. Other errors can include carelessness on the behalf of the staff as well as not taking the time to listen to the patient (Raso & Gulinello, 2010). Therefore, the aims of the risk management are to reduce as well as prevent any risk to patients and the health facility. Risk factors may result in financial loss, preventable…
These incidents can drastically reduce if healthcare professionals would take the time to fully understand and thoroughly communication between one another. Health care professional must realize they are dealing with people’s lives within a hospital setting. In particular, a significant amount of decisions…
It is time for our profession to start talking about falls. THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO INITIATE For the change project, my mentor and I have chosen to discuss one of the topics listed in the Virtual Teaching Hospital. We are going to address the increase in falls on the medical surgical unit. Falls and injuries due to falls is a serious and dangerous problem which can lead to serious injuries, adverse patient outcomes and high costs for hospitals.…
Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis interviewed all patients at one hospital who fell over a 13-week period and/or their family members and nurses. They also reviewed adverse event reports and medical records to identify the circumstances and patient characteristics involved in the first fall of the 183 patients who fell during the study period. The results of their study revealed that the average age of patients who fell was 63.4 years, but ages ranged from 17 to 96 years. Their study showed that 85% of falls occur in the patient's room, 79 % of falls occurred when the patients were not assisted, 59 % during the evening/overnight and 19 % while walking. Nearly half (44 percent) of patients were confused or disoriented at the time they fell.…
agree Healthcare fraud and Abuse is becoming a huge issue and very much a threat in the medical field. I'm already working in the Medical field and see it quite often attempted, it helps to know your job and know when others are trying to pull you into a situation like this because at the end of the day if you are caught doing this you will can and will loose your job and possibly be fined or jailed. The funny thing about fraud is just like I said know your job you can get a patient that comes into your place of work with a script from his/her doctor they are being tested for Diabetes but they haven't been diagnosed for it and they are on Medicare the code that the doctor has giving doesn't cover for Medicare. My first job is to call and see…
I have noticed a patient abuse by my CI on four different occasions with a 67 year old woman with pulmonary fibrosis and obesity. My CI and I headed to the patient’s room to do treatment. While we were on way to the patient’s room, my CI remembers to get a sliding board and she immediate asked me to get it in the OT gym. As I approach the patient’s door, I overheard my CI say to the patient “you are too fat and you never going to recover and you are going to die soon if you can transfer yourself into the wheelchair”. Sooner's my CI saw me, she quickly changed her tone of voice towards the patient and I noticed the patient’s eyes were…