Patricia Benner’s Novice to Expert Theory clearly informs my student teaching work with first semester nursing students who are just beginning to understand professional nursing. Benner’s theory is based on the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition where a student passes through five levels of proficiency” (Benner, 2001, p.13). Benner applies this model to nurses and shows how a nurse progresses through the stages of novice nursing student, to a skilled nurse. In the novice phase of Benner’s theory students practice by rules. Over time, years, students will progress through the stages of novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert nurse; however, some will not make it past competent or proficient to …show more content…
Facilitation of learning is the first NLN competency (NLN, 2005). This will be accomplished through the application of strategies such as group work to stimulate and build on affective skills, so students can begin to know what it is to work collaboratively with others. Case scenarios to stimulate students’ cognitive development and critical thinking skills will be utilized. Role playing and practice scenarios that will allow students to experience effective vs. ineffective communication and how to handle these scenarios is another strategy that will be used. This will be an example of psychomotor learning.
Competency two is the facilitation of learner development and socialization (NLN, 2005). This first course covers expected professional behaviors of a nurse and examines one’s own values in relation to nursing and how to handle specific situations. This will be accomplished by some role playing and group discussion around these specific situations. This competency will align closely with the ATI content students will be presented with in this course and enhanced by the completion of study guides and class …show more content…
I participated in the evaluation of the student learning objectives for my student teach immersion in Nursing Science. To evaluate the student learning outcomes, first they were evaluated with the use of the Essentials of Baccalaureate Education (EBE) for Professional Nursing 2008 to assess how they aligned with this criterion. The EBE is a document that serves as a framework for nursing schools to assure that core knowledge is provided that is specific to all healthcare fields such as patient centered care (EBE, 2008). Most of the student learning outcomes met at least one of the of Baccalaureate Education essentials. I am also participating in developing study guides to enhance learning of ATI