This interactive scene has all members of society enjoying one of the common theatrics of the day, together. Had this scene been predominately lower class plebs, the gentry seen behind the wife would not have come near. Conversely, when the theatrics of the House of Commons occurred, whig removal and speeches, one would not find a pleb in sight. Bridging the gap between the patricians and the plebs are the middlings, or middle class, people who could afford to emulate the patricians, but had social and political status more equitable to a pleb. The middlings social and political status began to change as social unrest became more and more common in 18th century
This interactive scene has all members of society enjoying one of the common theatrics of the day, together. Had this scene been predominately lower class plebs, the gentry seen behind the wife would not have come near. Conversely, when the theatrics of the House of Commons occurred, whig removal and speeches, one would not find a pleb in sight. Bridging the gap between the patricians and the plebs are the middlings, or middle class, people who could afford to emulate the patricians, but had social and political status more equitable to a pleb. The middlings social and political status began to change as social unrest became more and more common in 18th century