English 12
October 22, 2014 My family consists of ten people—five brothers, three sisters, my mother and father, and me.
My brothers were both involved with football during high school. My sister was involved in volleyball and my other sister was involved with stage crew, play, and the musicals. My other siblings aren’t in high school yet. When it was my time to approach high school, my parents wanted me to get involved just like my other siblings. At first I really didn’t want to. I thought it wouldn't be fun. I just thought it would be boring. My parents suggested I take choir as an elective. I was nervous about taking the course. I didn’t know who was taking the course, what it was like, who was in it, who the teacher was or if I was even going to like it. In the summer I got a letter in the mail from school. The letter was regarding choir camp for the upcoming school year. The letter implied that every student taking choir as a class must attend choir camp.
When I read the letter about the camp it made life a lot easier because I didn’t have to wait for the first day of school to see how the class was run.
The camp started in midAugust. The only people that I knew were the people that were in my grade, so I sat with them. Later the teacher came in and introduced himself and said what we were going to be doing for the upcoming school year. The teacher said that it was finally time to meet the upperclassmen. We all sat in a big circle and said our names, what grade we were in, and something about ourselves. After we all met each other, I felt a lot more comfortable with everyone in the class and what it was going to be like. Finally, school arrived
and I was happier than ever. I got to go to choir and see all of the friends that I made during the camp. Choir is now one of my favorite classes in school!
Since I liked being involved with choir in school I wanted to get involved with the music program more. I didn’t want