There is substantial evidence that the standards of health and the life expectancy of individuals varies according to social class. Individuals within a higher social class live longer and are healthier due to the fact that they can afford private healthcare. They also don’t have to worry about a loss of pay if they were to take time out to attend a doctor’s appointment or sick leave. Higher social class members are able to afford to live a healthier lifestyle. With a healthy lifestyle comes more expenses than that of an unhealthy lifestyle. Individuals in higher classes can afford healthier food choices, they can cook meals from scratch using fresh fruit and vegetables and organic produce. They may also have money to regularly attend the gym or even buy exercise machines for their home. They also have enough financial stability to afford a safe comfortable home with heating and running water whereas lower class individuals may be suffering from damp or an inability to afford heating and electricity. Also, due
There is substantial evidence that the standards of health and the life expectancy of individuals varies according to social class. Individuals within a higher social class live longer and are healthier due to the fact that they can afford private healthcare. They also don’t have to worry about a loss of pay if they were to take time out to attend a doctor’s appointment or sick leave. Higher social class members are able to afford to live a healthier lifestyle. With a healthy lifestyle comes more expenses than that of an unhealthy lifestyle. Individuals in higher classes can afford healthier food choices, they can cook meals from scratch using fresh fruit and vegetables and organic produce. They may also have money to regularly attend the gym or even buy exercise machines for their home. They also have enough financial stability to afford a safe comfortable home with heating and running water whereas lower class individuals may be suffering from damp or an inability to afford heating and electricity. Also, due