I believe the major problem in this case is the fact that the two companies are not co-operating with one another, don’t see eye-to-eye with one another, and refuse to adapt to new ideas. With the information provided in the case, one can assume that the relationship between the two companies has a traditional orientation. As of now, both parties are focusing mainly on their own needs and profit. What they need to do is shift to a newer orientation in which there is equity, fair dealing and both parties are profitable.
I believe the major problem in this case is the fact that the two companies are not co-operating with one another, don’t see eye-to-eye with one another, and refuse to adapt to new ideas. With the information provided in the case, one can assume that the relationship between the two companies has a traditional orientation. As of now, both parties are focusing mainly on their own needs and profit. What they need to do is shift to a newer orientation in which there is equity, fair dealing and both parties are profitable.