Reagan goes on to ensure the families that the astronauts were brave and courageous, therefore their mission was not in vain and that the missions will continue. By addressing the youth in his speech, he hopes to encourage them because ultimately they would be the next generation of workers. His tone is effective to convince the nation that it is necessary to continue with the space program. Throughout his speech, he empathizes with those affected by the tragedy, acknowledges the losses, and encourages everyone that they will move past this and look into the future.…
In this speech Reagan was trying to bring together the east and the west sides of Berlin. He showed this by pointing out specific people such as Mr. Gorbachev and the soviets stating that they should take down the wall that separated East and West Berlin. He wanted to appeal to the german people and show that we were there for them and would help them. He also was saying that we support them. Reagan was calling out the Russians for keeping the wall up and not allowing them to tear it down.…
the relevance of handwriting. He gets straight to the point at the beginning of the article by…
Throughout Antonin Scalia’s dissent opinion, he states that the way the court interprets the Affordable Care Act, is different to the way he interprets it. For instance, the interpretation of “exchange established by the state,” and the tax credits under code §36B differs between the court and Scalia.…
Antonin Scalia was an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court from September 1986, until February 2016, when he unfortunately passed away. Scalia was born in New Jersey but later moved to Queens in New York (Reilly, 2016). Scalia’s parents were both teachers, which may have been why he was valedictorian when graduating from St. Francis Xavier high school. After high school, he went to Georgetown University, where he also graduated at the top of his class, achieving the honor of valedictorian yet again (Reilly, 2016). Scalia got his bachelor’s degree in history, but wanted to further his education, so he went on to Harvard Law School, where he graduated again as valedictorian of his class in 1960 (Reilly, 2016). After graduating from Harvard Law, Scalia worked in a private practice for just a couple of years, only to discover he would rather be teaching as a law professor at a University, which is what he ended up doing.…
Continuing his argument, Johnson introduces his audience to the idea of the dignity of the nation not worth to respect and the harshness of the current issues. Johnson imparts information of the “dignity of man” in the sense of the south of the nation (1). The nation’s future is what Johnson solely wants to display as the white man has controlled the being of the nation for centuries and it made the nation’s self-esteem grow. The issues of equality are tested as he pushes to want to pass this bill. To make his point, Johnson exemplifies the difficulties of the African American population.…
Between the descriptive essay "Once More to the Lake" by E.B. White, and the narrative essay "How to Say Nothing in 500 Words" by P.M. Roberts I find the descriptive essay to be far more interesting to read for the way it is written appeals to the senses of the reader. Both essays, however, carry good merit and are written very well. The essay that is currently being presented is an interpretation of the similarities and differences between the styles of these two essays, and the impact they have on the reader as well.…
Thus far Hobbs was fairly agreeable; however, she begins to have doubts when from the idea that the presentational structure of papers is most important Magee posits when writing we must begin with “a stage of deep non-verbal reflection.” (Magee, 454). Essentially, one must silently, think up, or mentally forge and meditate upon the presentational structure before they begin writing. This idea is partially correct but either Magee misspoke or he does not fully grasp the truth. This is the principle cause for Hobbs’s…
Within this passage certain aspects of Sen. Paul’s ideology, can be compared to his father’s ideology. Sen. Paul believes that government efforts in combatting economically impoverished areas, should be done so through the promotion of laissez faire economics. His proposed “economic freedom zones”, would lead to deregulation within economic matters in these zones. Sen. Paul’s advocation for free-market economics, is the second aspect that aligns with Ron Paul’s libertarian ideology.…
The Four texts that will be witnessed throughout the essay are : Cousin Kate by Christina Rossetti, Porphyria's lover by Robert Browning, To his Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvel and Romeo Juliet by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet is about two lovers - who adore each other so much, similarily Porphyria's lover is about a man who loves Porphria so much, which leads on to him killing her. Then, To his Coy Mistress was when the narrator slept with the lady and had sex, similarily Cousin Kate was similar as the narrator had sex with one person then betrayed her for someone else for the money.…
Nothing shows that a writer knows what he or she is talking about more than an argumentative essay that consists of quotes, sources, facts, and a strong opinion. The use of…
Throughout the semester, we have learned that there are some major key ways that help authors of a certain text successfully…
The words chosen and the tone employed are important. Is the writer using repetition to make his point more memorable? Is the tone sarcastic, scholarly, or friendly? Are comparisons being made? These details are important to understanding the arguments being made and the points the author is making.…
When creating a sound and educated argument, the facts have to be relevant to the discussion. The author uses relevant facts and the reader now synthesizes those facts are arrives at his/her own conclusion. The article now has its thinking or talking point if programs exist, why is a tax necessary, which supports rejection. When someone can eloquently make a point without coming out and saying it instead relying on logic of the reader. That is a person who has a deft hand at writing the audience will appreciate that and support the author’s…
Truth and beauty can seem to be two different things; I believe beauty is stereotypically a physical feature and truth coming from within the individual. After this unit, I have learned that truth is beautiful but beauty is not always truthful. I find truth is a more of a beneficial characteristic to possess; beauty will eventually fade, leaving only the truth behind. Outer beauty has never been my first priority, I like learning about peoples stories and histories, the fact that they are willing to share their stories and be truthful with me is what makes them beautiful. Through these stories they are opening up to me, telling me their past; whether it be good or bad, they are being truthful and that is where the true beauty of a person is revealed.…