Payroll System and Reservation Delivery Scheduling System with Billing System for MichaelJona Trucking Services Corporation
Nowadays, a large number of companies have immersed their business. Due to the rapid technological progress and demand, the researchers have come up with an Reservation and Delivery Scheduling System with Payroll System for MichaelJona Trucking Services Corporation, as the topic of their project.
MichaelJona Trucking Services Corporation still uses the traditional methods of manipulating data so the authors decided to propose the aforementioned system. It aims to provide a user-friendly system which is expected to be beneficial to both the company and its employees.
The proposed Reservation and Delivery Scheduling System are designed to manipulate the information for reservations and allocations of their transactions. The system encompasses the following attributes: reservations, payments, allocations, assigned employees and delivery time used.
With the proposed Payroll System, information will be more accessible and secure. The medium in which the information will be accessed with would be more convenient and efficient. It will be easier for the employers to keep track of the employee data and payroll information. Records of the employee such as their personal profile provided their basic personal information and statistics and activity, such as their work schedule as well as their absences, will also be provided with system log for the convenience of the users. Database search with search result printing, given there is an available printer, will be provided for faster data gathering.
The authors believe that the proposed will contribute to the further success of the company and can help speed up company operations management and administration.