chinese education and Society, vol. 43, No. 6, November–December 2010, pp. 59–85. © 2011 M.E. Sharpe, All rights reserved. ISSN 1061–1932/2011 $9.50 + 0.00. DOI 10.2753/CED1061-1932430603
3 Dongping Yang
An Empirical Study of Higher Education
Admissions Opportunities in China
Abstract: This article cites chinese scholars’ surveys to demonstrate that the disparity between the cities and the countryside, as well as the disparity among different social classes, with regard to higher education admissions opportunities in china is transforming from an explicit imbalance in total quantity to a deeper and more subtle educational disparity. This is manifested in the distribution of students from the cities and the countryside at colleges and universities of different levels and different types. The hierarchy that exists in the system of higher education is roughly as follows: young adults from the privileged classes, with relatively strong cultural, economic, and societal resources, constitute the largest percentage of those in elite universities, whereas the percentage of rural students and young
English translation © 2011 M.E. Sharpe, from the Chinese text, “Zhongguo gaodeng jiaoyu ruxue jihui de zhizheng yanjiu.” Translated by Laura and David Truncellito. Dongping Yang is a professor at Beijing Institute of Technology and a dean of the Twenty-First–Century Education Research Institute. His primary research areas include public policy in education, fairness in education, and higher education.
adults from disadvantaged backgrounds is gradually declining. rural students are concentrated at localized tertiary institutions with comparatively weak educational resources and educational quality. The drawbacks of the urban–rural dual structure as well as the primary and secondary education system that is divided between elite schools and regular schools, combined with the deficiencies of the
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