December 1, 2014
Reflection Paper Before doing our peer teaching lesson my partner and I were sure to practice our lesson together. We wanted to make sure to find any weaknesses in our lesson before we had to give our presentation. We were able to fix many of the flaws in our lesson during this practice time. We knew that if we wanted our lesson to run smoothly it needed to be well constructed, well rehearsed, and that we had to be familiar with it. After our presentation I felt like our lesson went over well. I knew that our practice had made a difference and helped us feel more at ease. Something that I am glad I did well during the peer teaching lesson was that I spoke loud enough for everyone to hear me. This was something that I had worked on during practice. I am also happy that our presentation went over smoothly and that we did not get stuck or forget what to do. After reviewing the recording of the lesson I did find some things that I wish I had done better. In my mind I had intended on having a clean start and stop for the drills and exercises. After reviewing the recording I see that I did not tell everyone when to start or when to wait for further instructions. I also think that I could have added in more group encouragement and praise. At the end it was also brought up that I shouldn't be afraid to let students know that they may be doing the skill wrong, I need to practice how to let a student know that they may be doing a skill wrong in a positive way. These are some of the things I will keep in mind for the next peer teaching lesson, and presentations or teachings in general.