Throughout President Franklin Roosevelt’s Pearl Harbor speech, he uses various devices to appeal to the audience listening. Although, the most effective excerpt from the speech is when President Roosevelt depicts the resilience and determination of the United States to fight back, both figuratively and metaphorically, “With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounding determination of our people - we will gain the inevitable triumph - so help us God” (paragraph 17). By accentuating the unity of the nation with “our” armed forces and “our” people, Mr. President utilizes both pathos and parallelism. Pathos is exerted by the use of the pronouns “our” and “we”, in which Roosevelt includes himself with the rest of the Americans involved…
Brinkley wrote this book to be able to show Roosevelt’s life from when he was born to him leading our country through the war. Not only just showing what happened in his life but also being able to show what he had to go through and what kind of decisions he had to make when running this country. This book was a great way to teach an audience about Roosevelt and was very effective in getting the point across. Brinkley used an immense amount of sources to be able to write this book. He used anywhere from other biographies to memoirs and diaries of the people who served with Roosevelt. He was not writing this book in order to criticize what all Roosevelt did wrong, but to show the magnitude and importance of everything he did right, such as the reshaping of American Government to the successful leadership of the United States. The New York Times wrote the day after Roosevelt died, “It will honor him above all else because he had the vision to see clearly the supreme crisis of our times and the courage to meet that crisis boldly. Men will thank God on their knees, a hundred years from now, that Franklin D. Roosevelt was in the White House” (99). This shows that not only was Franklin D. Roosevelt a great man he was also a great leader of our country. Brinkley did an amazing job with being able to show all of Roosevelt’s accomplishes and all the trials and tribulations he overcame during presidency and also during his…
Nicholas Hulsey Mr. Bowers American History Pearl harbor “ A date which will live in infamy”(President Franklin D. Roosevelt). Could the attack on Pearl Harbor been prevented??? To find that out you have to look back at the past. The attack on Pearl Harbor could have been prevented if the United States opened foreign communication with Japan, improved military defense, and recognized the importance of the intelligence reports on Japan.…
How did the Attack on Pearl Harbor impact upon the course and outcomes of WW2 locally and globally?…
Franklin D. Roosevelt asked “that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.” to the nation. Declaring a state of war with Japan and convincing the people to support the war effort. The Pearl Harbor address to the Nation delivered by Franklin D. Roosevelt is one of the most famous speeches in American history. Roosevelt uses many rhetorical strategies to convince his audiences and relay his intent to the people and Congress. I will address his audiences, rhetorical strategies, and my opinion on the persuasiveness of his speech.…
In the Pearl Harbor Speech, President Roosevelt gives examples of why we mustn't ponder the situation at had for very long. He says:…
Roosevelt, Franklin D. "Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation". / "Declaration of War" speech". American Rhetoric. 21 Oct. 2006. .…
Pearl Harbor changed the lives of Americans; decades later 9/11 affected a new generation of Americans. Comparing Pearl Harbor and 9/11, written by Fred L. Borch points out inaccuracies of the comparisons that numerous individuals have made between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. The author gives a unique perspective that has partial inaccuracies under the topics; whether or not 9/11 was an intelligence failure, was American unprepared, and military responsibilities. The author uses various facts and statics to support his cause, some creditable, some not.…
On December 7 of 1941, Japanese airplanes attacked the naval base of Pearl Harbor with a horrendous attack. With this, the 32nd president of the United States, president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, gave his famous speech. Shortly after this, the British and United States declared war on Japan. Not so long after, Germany declares war on the United States. The attack of Pearl Harbor is to be said as the starting mark of America into the war of World War II. Now technically, the war started earlier in about 1921-1922, when Adolf Hitler assumed control of the National Socialist German Workers, otherwise known as the Nazis. But the US was not involved until the Japanese suddenly…
In Pearl Harbor and the Coming of the Pacific War by Akira Iriye, the author explores the events and circumstances that ended in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, an American naval base. Iriye assembles a myriad of primary documents, such as proposals and imperial conferences, as well as essays that offer different perspectives of the Pacific War. Not only is the material in Pearl Harbor and the Coming of the Pacific War informative of the situation between Japan and the United States, but it also provides a global context that allows for the readers to interpret Pearl Harbor and the events leading up to it how they may. Ultimately, both Pearl Harbor and the subsequent Pacific War between Japan and the U.S. were unavoidable due to the fact that neither nation was willing to bow down to the demands of the other.…
On the morning of December 7th, 1941, while most Americans were sleeping, drinking coffee, reading the morning paper or attending church, thousands of the men who fight for their country were being killed. Due to a shocking attack on Pearl Harbor, a naval base near Honolulu Hawaii, there were 18 naval vessels that were sunk or heavily damaged, 188 planes that were destroyed and over 2,000 servicemen who were killed. (Perloff, Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not). Trailing the gruesome attack executed by the Empire of Japan, the 32nd president of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, presented the “Pearl Harbor Speech” to a joint congressional session. While addressing congress about Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt…
Throughout the speech given by FDR pathos is used a great deal to set a certain tone in order to get specific points across to the American people, as well as; create certain emotions within the American public to help stress his point across a little better. Certain…
Unlike deliberative rhetoric, which deals with persuasion and decision-making, epideictic rhetoric mainly aims at praise or blame. If speaking in terms of praise, the speaker will try to make the audience desire to know the man or object of such excellence after hearing the speech. But in terms of blame, the speaker attempts to make the audience know the man or object in order to avoid such evil. Aside from deliberative rhetoric, Roosevelt also utilizes epideictic appeal in his speech. In the opening of his speech, Roosevelt states "no matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory”(Roosevelt). Roosevelt employs epideictic rhetoric in this quote to give the American the citizens a feeling of confidence. By doing this, Roosevelt unites America under this feeling of needed triumph, and gives them incentive for revenge for the atrocities committed by Japan. Roosevelt continues to do this when he states “our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us” (Roosevelt). Again, Roosevelt uses epideictic rhetoric to make Pearl Harbor a day to remember. Roosevelt wants the American people to have this atrocity as a lasting impression of the crimes that Japan committed against America. Being able to recognize the attitude that should be felt towards Pearl Harbor was a crucial part of the unity that occurred during World War II in America. Roosevelt successfully used epideictic rhetoric to blame the empire of Japan for the terrors of Pearl Harbor, which lead to a national unity under one common enemy. When looking at speeches like President Roosevelt’s and Senator Taft’s, it is often argued that there is no need to be able to distinguish between the epideictic and deliberative rhetoric. Admittedly,…
In this activity, you will reference two primary-source historical documents: Declaration of Sentiments by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Pearl Harbor speech by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Before you read the documents, read these instructions.…
On December 7, 1941 one of the worst attacks ever on the United States occurred. More than 3,000 people lost their lives or were injured that morning, and the attack propelled us into war against the Axis Alliance. Through the misjudgment of numerous U.S. armed forces personnel, the Japanese were able to carry out this terrible attack, which crippled the United States' Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.…