There was an old saying for vision in sport “find the strongest, fastest, most-skilled man...” Train aims to bring out this potential. That is what sports is about . When we see an exceptional performance, when we experience one of those moments of grace and excellence in ourselves , what makes it so special? If excellence in sports is the intersection of talent and dedication , as I believe , then drugs disport and distract. Understanding the meaning and value of sports will determine whether doping should continue to be banned.
Performance enhancing drugs dominate or corrupt a given sport , thereby removing the essential human contribution. It is a moral rather than a medical issue. If legalized it would soon be impossible to remain competitive without taking them. Many-a-times continuous taking of P.E.D.’s leads to drug addiction. If that continues we may just find half the sportspeople spending their time in rehab rather than on the field.
We can now compare the drug race in sports to the arms race in countries . An arms race drives the nation to build more and more deadlier weapons. It will lead to a particular sport’s doom!
As my fellow teammates said that P.E.D.’s also have adverse effects on health. They don’t support the spirit of fair play and create a rich-get-richer situation.
We also are forgetting the most important consequence of it. If we allow drugs in sports what is it teaching the youth of the society? Is it telling them that you don’t have to work hard to become an athlete and that you can take shortcuts to get what you want . Is this the child you want to raise? A slacker who find an easy way out. This isn’t the message that should be sent out to the youth of our country . We should be teaching them that if they want something badly the will have to put in hard work and dedication in order to get it.
Amateur athletes look to their heroes for example on how to succeed in life. They will lose trust in them and