Salesperson:___Claudia Cortez_____ Evaluator (use code if provided)_Brad Binggeli
Rate your assigned role play on each skill as follows: a score of F, skills done incorrectly or not demonstrated, D, skills in this area not up to par, C, skills in this area are average, B, skills in this area are good, or A, skills in this area are outstanding. Provide detailed justification & specific examples of your scores.
__A__ APPROACH: (professional, gains attention, uses rapport, transition, business reason and confirmation questions). Comments:
-professional dress
-good rapport-thanksgiving, Christmas
-good rapport length-Hispanic foods
-set agenda
__B+__ NEEDS IDENTIFICATION: (Uncovers decision process, Uses a variety of question types, uses a process that makes sense and maintains control, balances open and closed questions effectively). Comments:
-described being under budget
-asked for any changes/concerns
-probed further upon needs of changes
__B+__ PRODUCT/SERVICE PRESENTATION: (Presented benefits based upon needs instead of only features, logical, convincing presentation, effectively demonstrates product (where applicable), effectively involves the buyer in the presentation
-went through proposal
-described how volume needs were fulfilled in each department
-assessed layout
-described copiers per department
-assessed training, warranty, and brochures
-good handling of PIC objection
__B+__ CLOSE: (identified acceptance signals, used trial closes, persuasive in presenting a reason to advance, asked for appropriate commitment). Comments:
-handled objections well
-asked for decision
-got another meeting & follow up
__B__ COMMUNICATION SKILLS (correct product knowledge, appropriate visual aids, effective non-verbals, professional verbal communication, used listening cues, clear, enthusiastic, confident). Comments:
-stumbled over some areas of product demonstration
-overall good, professional