Subject : Negative and Positive effects on teenage Peer Pressure
Supporting Sentences : (Negative) Bad habits are cultivated and it leads to loss of individuality and integrity. (Positive) Giving up bad habits and helps teenagers by motivating them to do their best.
Thesis Statement : Peer Pressure affect teenagers to cultivate bad habits from surroundings and it can lead to loss of individuality and integrity. On the positive side, peer pressure help teenagers to give up bad habits, also to motivate them to do their best in everything they do.
Negative and Positive Effects on Teenage Peer Pressure
Peer pressure. What is peer pressure? Peer pressure is the influence you feel from a person or a group of people to do something you might not otherwise consider doing. It’s not uncommon to want to fit-in and to feel like you belong in a community especially if you are new or less experience than other people around you. Besides, a peer can be anyone around the same-age as you, like a friend, family or a classmate. Most of the time, it occurs to the teenagers. Here you will be able to see, there are a few negative and positive effects on teenage peer pressure.
Peer pressure affect teenagers to cultivate bad habits from surroundings. This is because, it forces you to do things you are not comfortable doing. Besides, it can even lead you to adopt a certain kind of lifestyle, even if you do not want to. For example, you may not be smoking but peer pressure is powerful. It can turn you from a total non-smoker to a chain-smoker. There are many teenagers who take drinking against their will, just because their peers force them to. In conjunction, teenage peer pressure has been the culprit in creating drug addicts as well. At that vulnerable age, teenagers do not understand that they are actually ruining their life by giving in to pressure from peers.
In addition, peer pressure can lead to loss of individuality & integrity. Once again,