Peer Review Checklist*
What is the main point of this essay? The tools needed to become a successful teacher, and how control and time management plays a big part of the success.
What is the greatest strength of this essay? I felt it was control and time management.
Does the introduction grab your interest and make you want to read on? Explain your answer. Yes, because he writer speaks of having the right tools, and making sure this is the career you want to take classes on, also taking classes you don’t need, be sure you need it.
What material does not seem to fit the main point of the essay or does not seem to be appropriate for the audience? The writer mentioned paperwork piling up, being overwhelmed about it al. The audience could probably care less bout the paperwork ,writer should have kept it on being a successful teacher.
Where should the author add more details or examples? Explain your answer. Where the writer stated that they were working right alongside the student. Show examples of what they are doing, is it a state mandated thing or is it new technology?
Where is the writing unclear or vague? That leads me back to why the writer briefly talked about the piling up of papers, I thought it was unnecessary, has nothing with being successful..
What is your favorite part of this piece of writing? Where the writer states organization and control of time management making less stress freeing up more time focusing on relationships with children and their parents.
What other comments might you provide for the author? Being a teacher is great, the teacher is usually the god person, but comes across student that can be difficult, it’s not all cake and ice cream.
*Adapted from Reinking, J. A., Hart, A. W., & Von der Osten, R. (2001). Strategies for successful writing: A rhetoric, research guide, reader, and handbook (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: