Peggy remembered becoming a conservative after riding a bus to an Antiwar demonstration in Washington. Individuals had liberal views on the bus such as “What can you expect of a culture that raises John Wayne to the status of hero?” (Noonan 15) and we’re at the collective mercy of a bunch of insecure males who have a phallic fascination with guns (Noonan 15). Peggy drew inspirations from Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Noonan considered President Roosevelt as a modern president who sounded most like a president. Noonan quoted that “you could see it on the page even if you hadn’t read it all your life that the thing about …show more content…
Doing Reagan 1984 reelection campaign he wanted his approach to be a “calm, statesmanlike approach, forget the one-liners and the applause lines-calmly lay out our case” (Noonan 144). He also quoted “Let’s give them our specifics, really give them chapter and verse. Our program is a success, while we didn’t get what we wanted completely from Congress its working and it’s taking hold. And we can demonstrate that with figures” (Noonan 144). Another issue that the president wanted to bring was Social Security, he thought that” Social security is not part of the deficit; it's funded entirely by its own fund, and if you reduced benefits, we never would but if you reduced benefits, that saved money would simply revert to the social security trust fund” (Noonan