Sarah Palin: an Effecitve Leader
Sarah Palin: A Natural Effective Leader A leader is someone who inspires people, who can be clutch as a forerunner to get started on a way of thinking; or sometimes a leader is the fearless one who steps in a place no one has dared to and when they do, they do so without remorse. A leader doesn’t look back at what has passed, but instead looks ahead at what’s to come. A leader is honest, caring and has integrity. A leader confronts challenges and does not let the voice of haters or malicious people bring them down. A great leader, not just a leader can do all of these things and when they are pushed down they can get back up and keep going like no one has touched them. A leader, who fits this description in my eyes, is Sarah Palin. Politics is a hard world, it’s a ‘you’re damned if you do, and you’re damned if you don’t’ kind of environment and nobody really makes it out being the hero. You are criticized constantly so you need to have an impenetrable self-esteem and beliefs that are solid and unwavering. (As if people never change their mind). If you’re a democrat, republicans believe that you have an ‘everything goes’ kind of attitude and you’re basically out to take money from people who are hard workers (which let’s face it, they are); and if you’re republican, democrats believe that you want the rich to stay rich and the poor to stay poor (try working for a living…). Basically, no matter what you stand for, you will have people who criticize you, who will try to bring you down and make any of your blunders look far worse than they really are. This brings me to Sarah Palin, who is a fine example of someone whose been chewed up and spit out by the political posse and the liberal media. She is someone that took a lot of hits because of her strong beliefs, and yet still strives forward today with an iron will. Sarah Louise Palin was born February 11th, 1964 in Sandpoint, Idaho. She moved to Alaska with her family when she was only a few months old
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