The death penalty raises concern on a religious, spiritual and moral level. The right …show more content…
It is suggested that the death penalty could be a more economical alternative to life imprisonment but actually it results in more cost to taxpayers. In Maryland, a comparison of capital trial costs with and without the death penalty concluded that a death penalty case costs approximately 42% more than a case resulting in a non-death sentence (UCLA). Studies have shown that cases involving the death penalty involve a longer trial resulting in higher litigation cost. A survey done in the state of New York showed a capital trail alone would be more than double the cost of a life term in prison (N.Y. State Defenders Assn., "Capital Losses" 1982). The Sacramento Bee in March, 1988, reported that California and federal taxpayers have paid more than $250 million per execution performed. An expected $90 million per year would be saved if they were to abolish the death penalty in California (Closing). This money may better be spent assisting the family members of victims to put their lives back