The Pentecost story started with the 12 apostles who were gathered together in a house when a terrific wind came from heaven and filled the place. They saw tongues that looked like fire that separated and came down on each of them. Immediately the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, who caused them to speak in a language that is unknown to them. The crowds of visitors were astonished because every pilgrim heard the apostles speaking to him or her in their own foreign language. All of the apostles are sent to different countries to spread the word of the Lord.
Pentecost portrays God as the Lord of His harvest, choosing and preparing the first fruits of His coming Kingdom by giving them His Holy Spirit. The preceding festival of Unleavened Bread pictures our commitment to come out of a sinful life and live our lives by God's perfect laws. But we can't do this on our own.
Pentecost pictures God's willingness to give His Holy Spirit to provide the power those He has called need. God's Holy Spirit empowers us with the love of God, the motivation to obey Him and a sound mind to discern His truth. Only those who are led by God's Spirit are called the sons of God. These Christians have a pledge or down payment on