An urgent investigation was conducted after a BBC panorama reporter went undercover at the facility as an untrained support worker. The footage captured showed some of the hospitals most vulnerable patients being subjected to serious abuse.…
Peter or ' Baby P' as the case became known as suffered horrendous injuries for a prolonged period of time at the hands of his mother and mothers boyfriend unfortunately eventually leading to his death.…
Eleven people plead guilty to criminal offences of neglect or abuse as a result of evidence from Undercover Care and six of them were jailed. Immediately after the eleventh person pleaded guilty, the Serious Case Review was published, revealing hundreds of previous incidents at the hospital and missed…
I watched this documentary this morning with my class on the goings on at Winterbourne View Residential Hospital for adults with Learning Disabilities. I watched as a member of staff made complaints and went to the top to report what was going on in the home and was not taking seriously and ignored and nothing done about his complaints not even an investigation and ended up having to go to the BBC Panorama team. I am ashamed at the fact that the staff member, a senior male nurse called Terry Bryan had to go to people not in the health care industry to talk about what was happening and becoming a whistle-blower in order to help the patients as much as he could.…
Something serious could be underlying and can’t afford to be dismissed when it comes to children’s safety and welfare, it is very unprofessional as it is our role to keep children protected and safe.…
A senior nurse had alerted the care homes management and the CQC on several occasions but it wasn't followed up. This was a severe failure in human rights and a very bad case of physical, emotional, and institutional abuse and neglect. Eventually action was taken with the help of panorama and the footage they filmed an investigation…
The issue/area of concern raised in this report is as to how Peter’s death happened in the first place.…
All of this wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for Alison Taylor, a manager of a care home in Gwynedd, listened to children who had transferred from other care homes and she believed them and took it up with her manager. Then after a long wait but no evidence of anything happening she took matters to the police but to no prevail as there were no prosecutions which was greeted by ‘inappropriate enthusiasm’ by social services.…
Judge Ford said ‘no attempt was made to provide a caring environment and if the abuse had not been uncovered it would have continued’. I read this on the BBC news website.…
This case falls in one of the categories suggested by Callahan and Callahan (1997) “one where the social worker intervenes unsuccessfully in the family and the child is injured or murdered” (p. 43). These types of media reports portrays social workers as being ineffective at their job and that they have oppressed those beneath them without obtaining justice for the death of an innocent child. Not only that, it speaks to the powerlessness that many readers may feel and offers assurance that the press is on their side, all the while offering them a titillating story written as a serialized morality play (Callahan & Callahan, 1997). As constructed by the media, the pattern of child abuse cases include an unfolding narrative which can be the search for someone to blame, the public inquiry and the finally the publication of the inquiry report (Callahan & Callahan, 1997). It makes the public ask questions about why the child welfare practices and policies fail time after time. As discussed during class, these issues are seen a social problem that has been influenced by the concepts of responsibility. The media constructs an image and only presents materials supporting that construct. In this case, the media emphasis the blame on the government and foster parents and demands the search for those held…
The children’s act 1989 is a UK act, which will protect all children against substantial harm or abuse from parents. The main points of the act, is to support the children in any setting which will provide a safe environment. By making sure that cared for make sure that good care standards will be put in place to protect them. The act was revised in 2004 to provide a broader outcome as the children got older. It was changed due to the lack of guidance which Victoria Climbé hadn’t received from the social workers in her area. When she was taken to hospital, it was one of the doctor’s who’d looked after her that noticed something wasn’t being right.…
The full report into how baby p died was disclosed by his own mother, Tracey Connelly,she told the authorities that she had a boyfriend but they did not ask who he was or insist on meeting him. She even named her boyfriend STEVEN PARKER – who later battered little peter to death – as her next of kin on health records, but council failed to investigate his background.…
This report is full of unsafe practice and people in authority have failed to protect the woman as a result of this. The unsafe practice started when the woman was just a little girl, she had made allegations against one of the perpetrators but agencies decided her mother could protect her. The agencies should have taken the allegations seriously and not assumed her mother could have protected her. They could have done things such as carrying out…
Victoria had been a part of multi agency child protection plan and had visited and been visited by multiple hospitals, social services teams, police and churches before her death on 25th February 2000 at just 8 years and 3 months old. All agencies involved were too willing to listen to her Aunties stories of incontinence, possession and behavioural problems. The social services teams didn’t even follow up a disclosure of sexual abuse towards Victoria with an investigation after her Aunty retracted the allegations she had made towards her partner. All agencies seemed very trusting of Victoria’s Aunty who was reinforced by her presentation and behaviour. She co-operated with meetings and visits from professionals, initiated communication with professionals and even responded positively to offers of help.…
There was lack of communication between the social workers,doctors, police and everyone else involved in the case, they were clearly not working together which eventually lead to the death of Baby P.Everyone involved in baby p's case could of done something to prevent this from happening. Peters GP was critisised for not raising concerns when he found bruising on the childs head and chest. The police were also criticised for not investigation suspicious injuries and the school peters siblings attended hadnt mentioned the difficulties they had with the mother. The social workers and managers didnt think peter was being harmed. All these agencies failed to realise the risk peter connely was at, along with the fact that the mothers violent boyfriend was living at home and could of been abusing the little boy.…