Today, authoritative leadership and parenting are regarded as archaic and ineffective. Furthermore, it is the giving of legitimate power that gains respect and cooperation from children as young as three years old, to employees as old eighty years.
Research has shown that when it comes to effective management and leadership, managers and leaders that adopt a transformational leadership style is much more effective in enabling positive performance results. Transformational leaders, unlike authoritative leaders refrain from using their power, but instead encourage and enable cooperation and collaboration from their staff. Employees are referred to as team members and problems are solved through brainstorming by all. Team members gain ownership over their performance outcomes and communication is encouraged and open.
On the contrary, authoritative leadership styles, lay down the law. It is their way of the highway and they hold on their power with everything they got. In the past this type of leadership and management style has kept people in their place, but it does not bring mew ideas and innovation. When you are just required to do your job day in and day out, and never given the opportunity to think of better and more efficient ways to get it done, the whole organization suffers.
That being said, the military and other such institutions still rely on authoritative leadership styles