On a Saturday afternoon, the food court is packed with hungry people. The stores are filled with customers ready to spend money. Best of all, the entire mall is full of all kinds of individuals. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and are from all walks of life, which can be seen with just a simple glance. Watching the people in the mall it is easy to see the shapes they come in, both figuratively and literally. One may see a 300- pound woman in a shirt that is four sizes too small, revealing stretch marks. Her shorts are hugging her thighs like a boa constrictor on it prey, allowing the view of cottage cheese under her shorts. Then, a group of teenagers comes around the corner, ranging in size form an 18 year old in a four year olds body to a 15 year old in a 30 year olds body.
Nearby, a 90-year-old man and his wife are strolling hand in hand. The wrinkles they wear proudly are a symbol of years of wisdom and stress. The cane he holds is a prop for his weak, fragile legs, which have been worn down from years of hard work. The woman is wearing an old yellow dress with orange and purple flowers that cover the fabric. The dress is a little too old fashioned by today’s standards of fashion. After viewing the shapes people come in, observing their appearance is sometimes scarier.
The easiest way to people watch is to just look