greatness one must suffer through much hardship. As he and his brother were conversing, he hears a woman singly and automatically assumes that she had to endure a lot of pain and suffering to sing that well. He continues to explain to his brother that suffering is inevitable to matter how hard people try and avoid it. Eventually his brother starts to see the brighter side of Sonny’s explanation and begins to understand it. He truly believes in Sonny’s ideas after hearing him play in the jazz club. He realizes why Sonny made the choices he did and ends up being proud of him.
greatness one must suffer through much hardship. As he and his brother were conversing, he hears a woman singly and automatically assumes that she had to endure a lot of pain and suffering to sing that well. He continues to explain to his brother that suffering is inevitable to matter how hard people try and avoid it. Eventually his brother starts to see the brighter side of Sonny’s explanation and begins to understand it. He truly believes in Sonny’s ideas after hearing him play in the jazz club. He realizes why Sonny made the choices he did and ends up being proud of him.