I chose Pepsi because I decided it would be interesting to see how the company started out and what kinds of marketing strategies they used that makes them into the huge success story they are today. Here’s what I’ve discovered and it is quite an impressive story: In 1898, in North Carolina, a pharmacist named Caleb Bradham began experimenting with juices and spices and syrups looking for something to quench the thirst of his customers on some of the hot humid days. Low and behold before it was all said and done, he had invented the drink we know today as Pepsi-cola. It wasn’t until 1903 that Pepsi was patented and Bradhams first ever advertizing sell went along with his pharmacist concoction, “Exhilarating, invigorating, and aides indigestion.´ He initially mixed the soda himself and distributed it through his soda fountain and then decided to bottle it so people could drink it anywhere. By 1909, the Pepsi bottle logo had been changed 3 times, 15 bottling plants had opened up, the slogan became, “The Original Pure Food Drink” and Pepsi was trade marketed in Mexico and Canada. Also by that time Mr. Bradham had gotten himself some of the best advertisement available at the time. He had a celebrity endorser for a race car named Barney Oldfield. Barry appeared in news paper ads describing Pepsi-cola as “a bully drink – refreshing, invigorating, a fine bracer for a race.” In 1920 Pepsi’s new motto was “Drink Pepsi-cola. It will satisfy you.” But by 1923, Bradham wasn’t worried about his motto or slogan; he was worried about the rising cost of sugar. So worried in fact that after it hit 26 cents per pound, he stocked up on it tremendously afraid it would go even higher and then it fell to an all time low of 2 cents per pound. By 1923, Bradham was bankrupt and then Pepsi –cola was sold off to Craven Holdings Corporation for $30,000. It was then sold to Roy C. Mega gel for $35000 and he formed the Pepsi Cola Company.