Per Day Observation
It is difficult some days to do sticky notes on every child because you have those days where if everything could go wrong it will. However, with observing the students throughout the day you will learn stuff about the students that you may not have noticed before. We are to have a minimum of 1 sticky note per child per day. If you can really sit back and observe, you will learn things that you may not find out from a student if asking them a question. For example, if you ask a student to count for you they may count well for you or decide that they don’t want to. However, if you observe them counting their blocks as they are playing in the block area you may find that they can count to 10 without any trouble. The stick notes also allow you
see growth in the child. You may have written down in September the student could count to 5 and by the end of December the student can now count to 10.