In examining the questionnaires between me and my acquaintance, the answers tended to be quite inaccurate, in both positive and negative ways. This person, Miles Morgan, used to be a coworker of mine that I always enjoyed working …show more content…
He and I do share interests and morals and political values though, and that’s probably why we continue to be casual buds! He introduced his favorite TV show to me back in 9th grade, Breaking Bad, and now we share it. He and I like similar music, we both like to snack, and we both play games together. I would also note that he listed that I would be the one to find a cure for cancer, since he knows of my interest in medicine, but Miles had also listed that I’d perform open-heart surgery on an infant for the first time, so it’s evident that I am comfortable self-disclosing my career and educational interests to almost anyone. Jack and I both lean conservative so it’s easy to discuss politics, especially around this time of the year, and we can agree on solutions or ideas, whereas Miles and I can’t. That makes me wonder if I leave my Johari window open more to Jack and reveal more of the hidden to him, than I do to Miles, due to me knowing that he and I would disagree. This also would help me to understand the social penetration theory and even the norm of reciprocity. I feel that I can go into depth with Jack and he will understand, and reply in a non-hostile way that helps to further my ideas, since he probably agrees. That leads me to my significant other; my …show more content…
We have spent seven months together. We have spent more of our college lives together than not. She was there throughout both of my fast food jobs. We have been to many places and done many things, which gave us plenty of time to discuss an array of things. She knows almost all of my hidden section of the Johari, and she looks into the unknown. I will go to any depth and cover any breadth of topics with her. I feel comfortable, because I know I can self-disclose anything to her and she will still see me as competent and autonomous. She improves my self-concept, because when I engage in positive behavior, she applauds me, and when I engage in negative behavior, she doesn’t hesitate to step in and stop me. With her reaction to my behavior and my adjustments, I feel that she and I partake in plenty of reflected appraisal. To go into detail, we both know each other’s favorite TV shows, music style, preferences on what to spend money on, and how we spend our weekends (especially since a lot of them are with each other!). And more into the hidden section of the Johari, we know each other’s secrets, embarrassments, failures, and accomplishments, that we are unwilling to show anyone else. This leads me to another conclusion that revealing more of the hidden Johari window and self-disclosing more intimate information will lead to much stronger trust and affection.
I learned plenty about myself and my relationships with others, through the gathering of this information