Peregrine falcons could go 320 kilometers per hour. (200 miles per hour). It lives on most parts of the earth. Females are larger than the male by 20%. It dives and then grabs its prey by the neck and strangles it. Males can weigh from 330 to 1,000 grams (0.73-2.20 pounds). Females can weigh more than 800 grams (1.8 pounds). The peregrine falcon, alone, has hunted more than 1500-2000 species of birds. Sometimes they even hunt other birds of prey! Sometimes they hunt bats in the night. …show more content…
It mostly hunts over water, like lakes, ponds, and streams. “Once prey is spotted, it begins its stoop, folding back the tail and wings, with feet tucked” (Wikipedia, 2016). If they miss their prey in a dive, they begin chasing their prey and usually catches their prey. They are rated least concern because since the banning of DDT use populations have recovered. Peregrine falcons are the largest falcon in the world. They live most commonly along the coast. Another name for the peregrine falcon is the duck hawk.
They are the fastest member of the animal kingdom. They live up to 15.5 years. The peregrine falcon, defending its nest, have managed to kill raptors*as large as the golden and bald eagle. The peregrine often migrates on cold-front winds. They have a hooked beak that allows it to strangle its prey. Sometimes females may lay 1-6 eggs. Peregrine falcons hatch after 29-33 days of their egg being laid. The peregrine ranges from arctic tundra to the tropics. The peregrine has a very large