Sparrow and Hiltrop (1994) suggest that “performance management is essentially a strategic management technique that links business objectives and strategies to individual goals, actions, performance appraisal and rewards through a defined process.” They also believe that “the most important feature of an effective performance management system is its ability to be seen as a method of continuously securing improvement’s in the performance of teams and individuals against pre-defined business strategies and objectives.” From reading through the quotes of Sparrow and Hiltrop I understand performance management to be a system which identifies the strengths and weaknesses of individuals or teams of employees. From then speaking to the employees in a formal manner, in which you are praising them for their achievements throughout the year i.e. promotion, raise or a company car, but also explaining to them where they could improve themselves to be motivated in following the objectives and strategic plans of the company.
Job performance within management performance reveals several terms that are often used interchangeably, such as performance appraisal, performance assessment, performance evaluation and job appraisal. However, in general terms, they are regularly all concerned with measuring an individual’s performance in a given job against preset work standards and involve designing a formal system to facilitate observation, monitoring, analysis, feedback and target setting.
Since of late I have had my own performance appraisal done in my part time job in a large fast food restaurant I will be constructing my essay around performance appraisal. In my essay I will be looking at how performance appraisals help improve motivation within the work force, I will explain how the system operates currently, provide evidence that base criticism of the system, and suggest practical and implementable improvements.
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