Performance Plus
Steve Cook introduced with the approval of his top management a full service program called Performance Plus and organized a cross functional Performance Team by pulling members of his existent management team in order to achieve in the next 3 years their division goal of 60% of its revenue from products generated within the last five years.
First step that Cook should’ve had to think about when creating cross functional team was teamwork, in order to improve quality, on time delivery and even lower the costs. While individually all his chosen committee members are great managers and hopefully perfect at their job, they are not really working as a team. Lisa considers herself a mini manager overseeing the project, while Cook clearly asked Tess Jones to act as the project leader. By Lisa making the statements she makes, it looks like she is not respecting Tess’s position as a team leader.
Lea Weeks feels very strong about adding the Strong Bond to the finished product, however no one seems to back her up, even more David Salmela believes that they will miss their deadline by introducing Strong Bond and doesn’t seem to be to energetic about this feature.
Barbara Jefferson is concerned about their deadlines and she has all the rights to be since it looks like the committee is not looking at statistical numbers that show that going 50% over budget during to get a product out in time reduces profits by 4%, compared to staying on a budget and getting the product out 6 months late reduces the profits by 33%.
Margo Holmes has concerns about as of yet unresolved debate over Strong Bond.
Overall, they look as a very dysfunctional committee that cannot seem to work together as a team towards the same goal.
He seemed to understand that management styles, including his might have to change, however I see him as being totally absent from all the discussions going on within the committee members of Performance Plus. An implementation