Mr. Youell
Birth Control
Contraception are different ways to stop a woman from becoming pregnant. There are several methods of contraception:
1. Natural family planning/rhythm method
2. Barrier methods
3. Hormonal methods
4. Permanent birth control methods
5. Emergency contraception
6. Continuous abstinence Natural family planning/ rhythm method
Women that have regular cycles can count the days when they have ovulation and are fertile. They can measure their temperature and see if they are ovulating. This is about 9 days when you shouldn’t have sex. This method is not 100% sure because a woman’s menstrual cycle can change if she gets sick, travels or is stressed. Barrier Methods
Barrier methods stop the …show more content…
Women if they are older that 35 or have certain types of cancer or have blood clots shouldn’t use hormonal methods.These methods do not protect you against STDs. Permanent birth control methods
Women that are sure they don’t want to ever become pregnant can use this method. There are two ways to get sterilized (not be able to get pregnant). One way is by operation cutting, tying or sealing the fallopian tubes. This way the egg can’t get into the uterus. The other way is by putting a tiny spring in the fallopian tubes which will stop the egg from getting into the uterus.
Men can be sterilized. This means that the sperm will not go into the penis. This operation is called a vasectomy.
Emergency contraception
Emergency contraception is also a hormone pill. It is usually 1 or 2 pills. It stops the ovaries from releasing an egg and it should be taken not later than 72 hours after having unprotected sex. Unprotected sex means when no contraception was used. Continuous abstinence
This means not having sex and also not getting sexually transmitted