World War 1 was definitely considered to be amongst the most brutal and bloody wars in history. The many reasons for the war began building up years before the fighting actually started happening. World War 1 was a major conflict that began July 28th 1914 and ended November 11th 1918.
For World War 1 one of the main causes was Nationalism. Nationalism was the idea that your nation was the most important. It means having great respect for your country, being loyal and being proud to be living, born or raised in that …show more content…
Serbian people felt that all Serbs should live in Serbia. The problem was that Austria took over a part of Serbia called Bosnia in 1908. Lots of Serbs lived in Bosnia but then became part of the Austrian Empire; they hated this and they didn’t want to be under the control of the Austrian Empire.
Imperialism was another cause of both the 1st World War and the Persian Gulf War. Imperialism is the desire to have many empires. An empire is made up of countries that is controlled or influenced by another country.
In World War 1 the British Empire was extremely large. It had extended over 5 continents. France also had control over big areas in Africa. The amount of Land owned by Greta Britain and France increased rivalry with Germany. Germany had entered the scramble to acquire colonies late and only had small areas of Africa. An outbreak that was one of the causes of the war was the 1st Moroccan Crisis. This crisis happened in 1905 where Britain and France fought over Morocco. Morocco was a good trading post and military base, as it was a good entrance to the Mediterranean Sea. Britain and France signed the Entente Cordiale, where it was decided that France got to keep Morocco since Britain got to keep Egypt. This meant that both had a significant colony to help them to control the