Reason for Listening: The Persian Gulf war otherwise known as desert storm has shaped American influence and popularity around the world but also created continuing instability.
The Persian Gulf war created chaos in the region for the benefit of the oil hungry countries in the world.
First Main Point
Warming cold war tensions left the door open for the United States involvement into the long lasting ally of the Soviet Union.
Nearly all countries agreed that Saddam Hussein had to be stopped and pushed back out of Kuwait with a 12-1 vote in the United Nations security council.
This was also the perfect time to show that our military is strong …show more content…
A full invasion of Iraq and occupation was not what appealed to the United States at the time fearing the tendencies of Vietnam the United States pulled out quickly.
Their main goal of liberating Kuwait was accomplished and they had destroyed a large number of Iraqi weapons hoping to keep them from continuing violence and aggression.
While after the second Iraq war the Iraqi population was deeply afraid and angry at the United States.
The United States pulled them into years of war and carnage in their country because of their leader’s decision.
Even today there are large insurgencies in Iraq that still hate the United States.
With a strong technology driven military the United States was eager to show it off and protect its oil assets in a fast and as least bloodshed as possible war.
The Persian Gulf war pulled many oil countries into it to protect their money.
Wars are all preventable and cruel to all people involved especially to the small who is fighting for big companies oil sometimes laying down their own life, “Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind”- John F.