
Persian vs Greek Society

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Persian vs Greek Society
Persian vs. Greek Society

The main differences in the Greek and Persian societies were their way of viewing the world. The Greek wanted their king to be god-like in their statues and saw them as perfection. On the other hand, the Persians more saw the world for how it was. They knew their society wasn’t perfect and didn’t want it be seen that way. While the Greeks and Persians had a different way of governing and religious outlook, both gained cultural achievements from profits of their empires’.
Similarly, both of the societies believed in male dominance, gained achievements through trade, and acted on imperialist policies. When it came to political dominance only adult men that owned a certain amount of land and were residents of the state had any power. Women had no say in much besides the children, and slaves had nothing beside their life. Since both civilizations had the advantage of commerce, that brought in profit. Another advantage of commerce was cultural influence of other countries. Also the Greeks and Persians believed in controlling the outside countries of their civilizations in order to keep themselves fully protected, imperialism.
However, the Greeks were democracy and the Persians were Monarchy. The Greeks were equals among themselves; even the government couldn’t make a certain decision without the approval of the citizens. The Persians thought differently; the government ruled and the citizens just had to deal with what was handed to them. The Greek government was described as ‘bottom-up’ and the Persian government as ‘top-down’.
Furthermore, the chosen religions between the two civilizations are completely different. The Greeks believed in multiple higher sources of power. For example there was a sky-god called Zeus and a god who controlled wars and agriculture named Ares. The Persians believed in Zoroastrianism, which is where Ahuramazda ‘wise lord’ created the world and Angra Mainyu ‘hostile spirit’ threatened that world. Although the

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